What is SmartHire?
The SmartHire Program is intended to assist you with the recruitment and selection process for those high-level and hard to fill positions. Imagine your organization with:
- Productivity that trends upwards
- Engaged and motivated employees
- Clearly defined personnel roles and responsibilities
- A positive public perception attractive to potential applicants

Interview Effectively

Search Strategically

Advertise Accurately
"I was able to make the two best outside hires of my career because of the help, guidance and know-how I received from Binta Brown and UT’s Direct Hire service. They helped me define the positions, reach the best candidates, asked the right questions and identify exactly what we needed. The university’s communications are better today because of the leaders we were able to bring in with Binta’s help.”
GARY SUSSWEIN, Chief Communications Officer
Positions: Speechwriter, Office of the President
Sr. Director of Marketing
Physical Address
Human Resources - The University of Texas at Austin
1616 Guadalupe Street, Suite 1.408
Austin, TX 78701