What is HR Collaborative?
HR Collaborative (formerly HR Spectrum) meets regularly to discuss timely and important human resource issues impacting the University. The primary goal of HR Collaborative is to facilitate communications with campus departments on a variety of human resource issues. Meetings are led by central HR.
When does HR Collaborative meet?
HR Collaborative normally meets on the second Wednesday of each month from 10-11:30 a.m. online via Zoom. If you are an HR Collaborative member, you'll receive an email at the start of the month with a link to join the Zoom meeting.
How is HR Collaborative membership determined?
HR Spectrum membership is determined by your role in Workday. The roles currently included are: Academic HR Partner, Academic HR Executive, HR Partner, HR Executive, Absence Partner, HR Analyst, and Recruiter. These roles will receive meeting invitations and periodic announcements about HR related matters.
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