We seek a work environment where you are inspired, supported, and valued, and are also given the chance to make a difference and advance in your career. The first step is listening to you and understanding your experiences in the workplace. As a starting point, the Change Starts With Us survey will provide data and insights at the University and local college, school and unit levels. This survey offers you an opportunity to express your views on a variety of topics related to the work environment, your college, school or unit, and your experiences in your role. By taking part in the survey, you are helping the University understand how it is performing in the areas that drive engagement and enablement. Your feedback will be used to guide improvement efforts across the University as part of our 10-year strategic plan, Change Starts Here. The 2024 Change Starts with Us survey was open from Feb. 20 through March 15, 2024.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What is the Change Starts With Us survey?
In our quest to be the best place to work for faculty and staff, the University needs to first listen to you to understand your experiences in the workplace. The survey offers you an opportunity to express your views on a variety of topics related to your work environment, your college, school or unit (CSU), and your experiences in your role that will impact actions and leadership decisions at the University and the CSU level.
Why should I take the survey?
By taking part in this survey, you are helping the University understand how it is performing in the areas that drive employee engagement and enablement. Your feedback will be used to guide improvement efforts and be used for leadership decisions across the University over the next year.
Who is the survey for?
Current faculty and staff with a start date of January 10, 2024, are eligible to take the survey. Student employees are not considered for this survey.
How was this survey developed?
The University has partnered with Korn Ferry, a global organizational consulting firm. Korn Ferry has worked with Central Human Resources and University leadership to develop a custom survey for UT Austin.
Is the survey anonymous?
The survey asks you to enter your EID. The purpose of entering your EID is so Korn Ferry, a third party vendor, can map you to your unit. Korn Ferry will only provide data in an aggregated format, and the University, your unit leaders, and your manager will not receive any identifying information that can tie you back to your survey response. Korn Ferry will only report summaries of the survey results for teams of 5 or more respondents. Your unit leaders and your manager will not have access to identifying information. Employees are encouraged not to reveal specific details in their write in responses that would allow them to be identified.
In which languages is the survey available?
The survey will be provided in English, Spanish, French, Vietnamese, Swahili, Kinyarwanda, and Simplified Chinese.
How will I be invited to the survey?
Eligible employees will receive a survey invitation from Internal Communications at UTHRSurveys@qualtrics-surveys.com on Feb. 20. Employees who do not submit a survey will receive periodic reminders from this email address and sender.
How will survey data be used?
Each college, school and unit will be accountable for creating and implementing action plans based on their survey data. Action plans will also be developed and implemented at the University level.
Can I complete the online survey more than once?
No, you cannot complete the online survey more than once. The survey will no longer be accessible once you successfully submit your survey.
Does the survey ‘time out’ if I leave it open?
The survey does not time out, but for confidentiality purposes, you should save your responses by clicking “Next” and then close your browser.
I am unable to access the survey, what can I do?
While the survey platform is compatible with any browser, please first attempt accessing the survey using Google Chrome, which is the recommended browser. If you still encounter difficulties, contact oe@austin.utexas.edu to see if there are firewall restrictions.
How do I know whether my survey was submitted successfully?
UT Austin is not able to confirm submission of individual surveys, but you can click on your link from your invitation email to verify submission. If after clicking on the survey link you receive an “already completed” message, your survey has been successfully submitted.
In the event that you did not submit your survey, you will be taken to the point in the survey where you left off, and you will be able to complete your survey and/or click the Submit Survey button to record your responses.
I submitted my survey responses, why am I still getting e-mail reminders?
Reminders are sent to survey participants whose scores have not yet been recorded by the Qualtrics system. If you are receiving survey reminders, you may have completed the survey, but have not successfully recorded your scores by clicking on the Submit Survey button.
Please click on your survey link to verify submission; if you can access the survey, then you have not successful submitted your survey. You can complete the process and record your scores by clicking on the Submit Survey button at the end of the survey.
Where is my survey invitation?
If you did not receive your survey invitation:
Please first check your junk/spam folder to ensure it was not accidentally marked as spam. For those that use Focused Inbox, check the Other Inbox to ensure it was not sent there. If after checking you still need to request a new invitation be sent to you, please reply to oe@austin.utexas.edu and request that it be resent.
*To be eligible for this year’s survey you must have a start date prior to January 10, 2024.
Why does my survey show that it has already been completed?
This message appears when the system recognizes that a survey has already been submitted using the link that was provided to you. This may have occurred if you clicked on the survey link to preview the questions and clicked Submit Survey at the end of the survey. If you need the survey to be reopened, please reply to oe@austin.utexas.edu and ask it to be reopened.
Please note that your request will be fulfilled within 24 business hours (excluding weekends and holidays).
I accidentally clicked submit before I finished completing the survey, how do I regain access to it so I can complete it fully?
If this is the case, please respond to oe@austin.utexas.edu and ask that your survey be reopened with responses cleared.
Please note that your request will be fulfilled within 24 business hours (excluding weekends and holidays).
I did not receive a survey, am I eligible?
Employees hired as of January 10, 2024, will be eligible to participate in this year’s survey. This is to ensure associates are set up in Korn Ferry’s system in advance to enable effective reporting of survey results.
Your feedback is important. If you joined the University after January 10, 2024, you will have other opportunities to share your feedback in future surveys.
If you were in the system prior to the above date, please oe@austin.utexas.edu, and they will look into this.
What does it mean that Korn Ferry and Qualtrics may transfer personal data outside your home country in order to provide the services?
Korn Ferry has employees in countries outside of the United States they use to configure and analyze survey data. The purpose of this statement is to inform you that your data is viewable by those employees outside of the United States for the purposes of aggregating data.
Why am I being asked to enter my EID to take the survey?
By entering your EID, you are helping Korn Ferry, the vendor, map your answers to your unit. Your answers will only be provided to the University in an aggregated or combined statistical format. Korn Ferry will only report summaries of the survey results for teams of 5 or more respondents. Your unit leaders and your manager will not have access to identifying information. Employees are encouraged not to reveal specific details in their write in responses that would allow them to be identified.
Could someone else use my EID to take my survey?
If you suspect someone has used your EID to take your survey, email oe@austin.utexas.edu and the data will be wiped, and your survey will be reopened. Please note that your request will be fulfilled within 24 business hours (excluding weekends and holidays).