Dear Longhorn Nation,
The Hearts of Texas is an annual charitable campaign assisting external nonprofits in need. During last year’s Hearts of Texas charitable campaign, UT’s faculty and staff members helped the University raise more than $265,000 for Austin area social service agencies. We deeply appreciate everyone who donated and the volunteer coordinators from each college, school, and unit for its success!
Our goal for the Hearts of Texas charitable campaign for 2024 is $250,000. The campaign will run from October 1 to October 31. Three emails with campaign information will be sent during October to encourage faculty and staff to donate to charities in Central Texas and beyond.
Charitable gift payments are processed from payroll deductions and if you have any questions, please email the campaign manager, Daniela Pinedo, at daniela.pinedo@austin.utexas.edu.
Let’s band together to make the Hearts of Texas charitable campaign a tribute to service and kindness. By joining forces, we can amplify our University’s values and lend a helping hand to those who need it most.

Roger Cude
Vice President of People and Talent