New Employee Welcome Page

The New Employee Welcome and Orientation, hosted by Human Resources (HR), provides you with a comprehensive introduction to employment and benefits at The University of Texas at Austin. If you're a new permanent, benefits-eligible staff, faculty, or graduate-student employee, we strongly encourage you to view this orientation on your first day of employment in order to complete many items on the New Employee Checklist. New faculty members who begin employment in the fall semester may also attend the New Faculty Launch, which is hosted by Faculty Development. The goal of the program is to accelerate faculty integration into the university community and provide multiple opportunities to interact with other faculty, both those new to the university and existing faculty leaders.

This program provides an introduction to the university's culture, values, history, services, resources, and benefits, including insurance and retirement programs in which eligible employees may enroll. 

NEWO Sessions

NEWO is offered monthly in person, as well as online as a pre-recorded option. Access both via the following steps:

  1.  Go to UTLearn
  2.  Click “Login to UTLearn”  (upper left)
  3. Log in using your UT EID and password
  4. In the search bar (top right corner) enter “PN 1000”
  5. Select either the standard New Employee Welcome Orientation or the "Live" in-person option.

I-9 Verifications:

Please contact your department to confirm that all onboarding tasks have been completed and to schedule an I-9 verification appointment with your department contact.

Guidelines for Scheduling an Appointment with the HR Service Center (HRSC)

The HRSC is scheduling appointments via two methods:

Phone: By calling 512-471-4772 


Emailing: In the subject line of your email type “Request for an Appointment”. In the body of your email please include a contact phone number and briefly state why you are requesting an appointment (i.e. notary services, turning in retirement or benefits paperwork etc.)