Living Through Big Changes: Stress Management and Resiliency Yoga Workshop and Yoga Group

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Living Through Big Changes: Stress Management and Resiliency Yoga Workshop and Yoga Group

Changes, big or small, can be stressful to live through and can bring up feelings of overwhelm, anxiety, and grief, to name a few. The body can sometimes experience the stress of change through panic, digestive issues, sleep disturbance, or other somatic symptoms.

Geeti Shirazi Mahajan, LCSW-S (she/her), one of the counselors at the Employee Assistance Program, is a certified Yoga Therapist (C-IAYT) and will be offering both a one-time workshop and an 8-week drop-in therapeutic yoga group this fall.

Both offerings are a space to turn towards the body to gently acknowledge and express the vulnerable and uncomfortable emotions spurred by various life changes.

The sessions will entail deepening and strengthening mindfulness-based practices for resiliency including a gentle hatha yoga practice appropriate for all levels and ability, meditation, breathwork, and exploration of emotions. Group members will learn to embody a compassionate approach to mental and physical well-being, while finding support through connecting with others.

The one-time, 75-minute workshop will be held online via Zoom on Wednesday, September 18th, 2024 from 11am-12:15pm.  Please sign up through UT Learn

The in person 8-week drop-in therapeutic yoga group meets in person on Wednesdays from 11am-12:15pm from September 25th – Nov 13th and is limited to 10-15 participants.  You can sign up for which weeks you would like to attend in UT Learn


Date and Time
Sept. 18, 2024, 11 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
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