Staff Work Arrangement Conditions

We start with an expectation that all staff employees will be on site full-time during the week, and Flexible Work Arrangements (FWAs) are reviewed and approved on a case-by-case basis by the manager, following college, school, or unit (CSU) specific approved guidelines. Ongoing permission to participate in an FWA is based on position function, work group, internal and external customer needs, past and future performance, and permission from the FWA Authority. All FWAs are reviewed annually or according to business needs. Approved agreements expire annually and must be renewed. Not all positions are eligible for flexible work.

LocationFWAs authorizing an employee to work from a location outside of Texas, even for a short period of time, are disfavored and require extended review. FWAs authorizing an employee to work from a location outside of Texas typically occur under extenuating or other business-specific circumstances. If the regularly assigned place of employment is within the United States but outside the state of Texas, remote and hybrid employees may be subject to state and local income tax withholding, which will be applied based on the employee’s residence location reflected in Workday. Remote and hybrid employees may also be subject to other laws and rules in that state, and benefits may be affected. For example, health benefits may be out of network. Managers who receive a request for an out-of-state FWA should contact Human Resources to ensure that the university complies with appropriate work rules and state laws regarding employment in that state. All employees need to follow the University’s policies related to travel, including travel time and travel reimbursement.
WorkspaceEmployees are responsible for providing space, telephone, and internet capabilities at their remote workplace, and will not be reimbursed by the University for these or related expenses. Employees will transact all University business on the University’s network and voicemail systems that belong to, or are approved by, the University. Employees will use a University-owned or -managed computing device if protected University data is in use and will not store or process confidential University data on a personal device. An employee’s remote workspace must be compliant and secure as described in the University’s Telecommuting Policy (HOP 5-2130). If something occurs that causes an employee’s remote workplace to become non-compliant or unsecure, or that threatens such a result, the employee must notify their manager immediately.
PerformanceEmployee job responsibilities and standards of performance remain the same as when working a traditional schedule in a traditional location, and employees will continue to be evaluated for performance on a regular basis. The quantity, quality, and timeliness of employees’ work are expected to be maintained or enhanced. Employees who are approved for an FWA are expected to meet the same standards of performance as employees in the same job classifications who do not have an FWA. Managers will continue to conduct performance evaluations for employees on a regular basis.
EvaluationEvery FWA will be evaluated at least annually to ensure that employee work quality, efficiency, and productivity are not compromised. Employees who are granted an FWA may be requested to provide more frequent and more detailed reports of their work and progress.
Timekeeping & AttendanceEmployees working under an FWA must accurately and promptly record all hours worked. Employee must request manager approval in advance of working any overtime hours and will request manager approval to use vacation, sick, or other leave in the same manner as employees who are not in an FWA.
Work ScheduleEmployees will remain accessible during the approved work schedule, be available for teleconferences scheduled on an as needed basis and be available to report to their regularly assigned work location if a business need arises. Employees will be reachable at all times, during their scheduled work hours, by phone, video call, chat, text, or email, using University-approved devices and services, to the same extent as if they were working in the regularly assigned work location. Any changes to employee working hours must be approved by their manager in writing. Managers may, from time to time as needed, vary employees’ working hours in order to meet the University’s needs and other requirements.
Distraction-Free WorkplaceEmployees will maintain a safe, secure, ergonomic, distraction free and appropriate work environment. Flexible work is not a replacement for appropriate dependent care or other responsibilities of employees’ personal lives. Employees must provide the same undivided attention to their work as if they were working on site. Employees’ dependent-care arrangements should be separate from their workplace so that dependents will not interfere with work. If personal circumstances prevent employees from avoiding distractions or interruptions at the telework site (for example, inability to obtain dependent care or attending to family medical needs), the employee will notify their manager and Human Resources immediately. Any alteration in schedule to accommodate dependent-care needs must be approved by the employee’s manager and Human Resources. Employees will keep personal disruptions, such as non-business telephone calls and visitors, to a minimum during regularly scheduled work hours.