Staff Work Arrangement Review and Approval Process

Supervisor Responsibilities

Positions with regular in-person interaction with students, faculty, staff, and other stakeholders, those that directly service a University property, and managers of staff will not be considered for flexible work. We start with an expectation that all staff employees will be on site full-time during the week.

If a Flexible Work Arrangement (FWA) is considered, supervisors should evaluate college, school, and unit (CSU) needs to achieve world-class service and collaboration with students, faculty, staff, and other stakeholders. Here is a simple process for leaders to determine optimal work arrangements for employees and teams.

Staff Work ArrangementArrangement DescriptionEmployee TypeExamples
On Site (Default)Required to work on site 100% of the timeRoles with regular in-person interaction with students, faculty, staff, and other stakeholders, those that directly service a University property, and managers of staff. Regular engagement and collaboration are required in order to meet work objectives.Managers, directors, and other senior leadership positions; project work and some research; patient-facing; consultative and direct support positions in Development, Communications, Marketing, HR, Legal, and other positions that require high in-person interaction.
Minimum 4 Days On SiteRequired to work on site a minimum of 4 days per weekRoles that directly counsel and advise students on academic, career and health-related matters, and consistently work extended hour schedules to serve students.Some student admissions, advisory and counseling in health, safety, and career services positions.
Minimum 3 Days On SiteRequired to work on site a minimum of 3 days per weekBack-office supporting roles that are transactional, internal, service work that can be performed through enterprise platforms (e.g., DEFINE, Workday, Service Now) combined with phone/video channels.Desktop/IT Support, some administrative, and other positions that can be done in a hybrid arrangement.
Supervisor DiscretionSupervisor determines work arrangementRoles that require high levels of individual time to perform. Examples include some accounting, payroll, analyst, grant writing, and IT programming.Some accounting, payroll, analyst, and IT positions that can be performed and managed such as programming, transaction processing, and heavy phone/video work.


Important Items to Note

In the limited cases of approved flexible work, new employees hired into those positions will be required to work a standard schedule in the assigned on-site location for at least 6 months.

Employees who qualify and choose to work in remote or hybrid arrangements may have limited career and promotion opportunities, in part because of the difficulty in growing into supervisory, managerial and leadership roles.

Decision-Making Authority

Deans, Vice Presidents, and other appointed leaders of a CSU are responsible for the successful execution of their organizational mission. They must consider this duty when exercising their discretion to approve or deny exceptions to guidelines.

Employee work locations and schedules may be modified or terminated at the discretion of the Dean, VP and other appointed leader at any time according to the needs of the CSU. Approved agreements expire annually and must be renewed.