Performance Management refers to the systematic approach of managing employee job performance. Performance Management Plus (PMP) is a system that emphasizes communication, employee commitment, and accountability to achieve success when an employee’s job performance or behavior is lacking. PMP begins with a foundation of clearly communicated and mutually understood job expectations. Managers provide positive, reinforcing feedback, as well as corrective feedback, when performance falls short of expectations. Performance communication is based on a shared commitment to excellent performance. Managers demonstrate their commitment to develop, support, and recognize employees to ensure success. Employees commit to meet or exceed expectations and correct issues when they arise. This mutual commitment forms the basis for employment accountability.
An integral component of PMP is a positive system of corrective action. This system of corrective action is based on the work of Human Resources Consultant and Author, Dick Grote, called Discipline Without Punishment. Grote’s approach reflects the traditional system of progressive discipline, but emphasizes personal accountability rather than punishment as a means to motivate.& Rather than simply relying on punitive consequences to poor performance, dialogue and problem solving are emphasized. As part of PMP, commitment and accountability are key to the process. The hallmark of Grote’s approach is the final step of progressive action, the Decision Making Day. Employees are given a day off with pay to reflect on their circumstances and make a decision to either, 1) return to work fully committed to success, acknowledging further sub-par performance will result in dismissal or, 2) resign and seek more satisfying employment elsewhere.
Human Resources promotes the core principles of PMP in management training and in its consultative services. When formal corrective action is necessary, PMP provides for a fairer and more defensible approach.
Contact your Strategic Workforce Solutions (SWS) HR Consultant to learn more about Performance Management Plus.
Model for Positive Coaching
Before the Meeting
- Determine Desired and Actual performance
- Determine the Business Reasons why the problem must be solved
- Determine the Logical Consequences if the problem continues
- Determine the appropriate step of Corrective Action
During the Meeting
- Determine the Root Cause of the problem
- Confirm that the Corrective Action is appropriate
- Gain the employee’s Agreement To Change
- Determine the Corrections the employee needs to take
- Follow the Principle of Fundamental Fairness
- Inform employee of the deficiency(ies)
- State and explain job expectations
- Provide reasonable opportunity for employee to show improvement
- Communicate consequences to employee if there is insufficient improvement
After the Meeting
- Document the discussion*
- Follow Up to make sure that the problem has been solved
SWS can provide departments access to PMP sample letters and templates to help supervisors document performance issues. Contact your SWS HR Consultant for details by calling 512-475-7200.
Coaching and Corrective Action
Informal |
Formal |