Burnout & Work Fatigue

Burnout and work fatigue are not new. But right now, we are experiencing a unique strain of burnout. A prolonged period of hyper disruptive events has given rise to a high number of people experiencing mental, physical, and emotional exhaustion. Explore this page to learn more about this serious issue and what you can do to help mitigate the effects.


Checking Yourself for Burnout

Try this free assessment from Mindtools to check your own level of burnout: 

Burnout Self-Test

LinkedIn Learning Work Fatigue & Burnout Collection

picture of woman at table with computer taking a break to stretch

LinkedIn Learning Work Fatigue & Burnout Collection

Workload Fatigue & Burnout Infographic

download graphic as a PDF

Burnout: Why it Happens and How to Reduce the Risk

Organizational health is a collective goal based on the health and wellbeing of all who work within, are served by, or interact with that organization. We know that low to moderate stress contributes to productivity, while increasingly higher stress levels lead to fatigue, mental and physical health conditions, and burnout.

The Community Learning Team has developed a program that addresses these stressors and helps leaders and staff deepen their resilience and flexibility to reduce the risk of burnout. We’ll also discuss how to recover from burnout from self, leader, and colleague perspectives. Ask us how you can learn more about how burnout manifests, why powering through isn’t a good strategy, and the personal techniques and organizational strategies to head it off or turn it around.

Contact the Community Learning Team

Further Reading


picture of night scene in the woods with an illuminated sign that says "Hope"
  1. How to Reduce Burnout in the Workplace
  2. The Staff are Not OK
  3. How to Set Work-Life Boundaries When You Work From Home  
  4. Overcoming Pandemic Fatigue: How to reenergize organizations for the long run
  5. How To Tell If You Have Burnout
  6. Burnout
  7. Scambition: Is that All There Is? Why Burnout is a Broken Promise?
  8. Six Causes of Burnout at Work
  9. 5 Subtle Signs You're Headed for Burnout
  10. Job Crafting: Reshaping Your Role to Overcome Burnout
  11. Burnout Guide: Symptoms, Causes, and Prevention 
  12. Brené Brown with Emily and Amelia Nagoski

    on Burnout and How to Complete the Stress Cycle (podcast)
  13. The Burnout Fix: Overcome Overwhelm, Beat Busy, and Sustain Success in the New World of Work (book)