UT Learning & Development Manager Spotlight

picture of woman backlit by spotlight at a concert

Managers play an essential and often unsung role in any organization. Managers at all levels of the organization play a key role in developing the workforce while they continuously learn at the same time. Because of this role, UT Learning & Development spotlights a manager each month so they can share their perspective on learning and development and other managers can learn about what they do for our community.

headshot of Karen Chawner

Karen Chawner, Director, Human Resources

"Giving employees space to develop is important to their career growth and can help build (or keep) trust, which is important to retention."



headshot of Emmanuel Nshimirimana

Emmanuel Nshimirimana, Assistant Manager, Custodial Services

"The most important thing that team members are expecting from their manager is to understand them and pay attention to their needs and concerns."



headshot of Summer Salazar

Summer Salazar, Director of Employer Engagement, Texas Career Engagement

"Be comfortable in the uncomfortable, trust yourself, and observe leaders and mentors to help guide your understanding of this process. When in doubt, ask."



headshot of Kouang Chan

Kouang Chan, Director and Ombudsperson, Office of the University Ombuds for Students and Staff

"My advice to managers would be to communicate clearly, specifically, and respectfully, and to do so consistently."



headshot of Aimee Trochio

Aimee Trochio, Manager, Training Services, Facilities Services

"Don’t take away your team’s learning opportunities in the name of sparing them from handling complexity...Just prepare your team by letting them know that you are giving them more planning responsibility, and be prepared to coach them on that aspect of the task, if they need it."


headshot of Rich Janes

Rich Janes, Program Director, Technology Resources

"I’ve seen some great leaps forward or complete shifts in approach based on someone taking the time to learn a skill or technology that initially seemed only loosely connected to their role."



headshot of Art Markman

Art Markman, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, ​Extended Education Ventures

"Helping everyone at UT recognize their potential for advancement in their career is a great way to help retain your best people."



headshot of Blanca Gamez

Blanca Gamez, Director, Parking and Transportation Services

"Know your team. Know their strengths and play to those strengths. Know the areas that they would like to improve and provide them with opportunities to build their skill sets."



Jonelle Bradshaw Hernandez headshot

Jonelle Bradshaw de Hernandez, Executive Director for Development, Development Office

"Take the time to truly understand your leadership style and to understand the needs, wants and motivations of your team. In order for purposes to be filled and goals to be met we must first establish trust, integrity and honor in the working relationship."


headshot of Mirna Benhamou

Mirna Benhamou, Senior Division Coordinator, Division of Pharmacology and Toxicology 

"Really listen to the employees’ uniqueness in character and needs/wants and communicate as effectively and clearly as possible. Learning about employee’s strengths and weaknesses allows managers to provide better guidance and unleash employees’ full potential."


headshot of Darren Hale

Darren Hale, Interim Executive Director, Construction and Facilities

"I believe in continuous improvement and a growth mindset. I develop teams to never settle for the status quo and to strive to innovatively improve how we deliver services to UT. One way to improve is through learning. Whether that is through refreshing/enhancing current skills or by learning new skills or different ways of doing things, I find I always have opportunities to learn and progress."


headshot of Monica Horvat

Monica Horvat, Director of Presidential Priorities, Office of the President

"Learning in the workplace is critical for creating a culture of innovation and growth. When employees feel encouraged to learn and experiment, they're more likely to identify areas for improvement and suggest new, innovative solutions to improve overall performance as individuals and collectively."


headshot of Rianne Brashears

Rianne Brashears, Senior Associate Athletic Director and Chief Human Resources Officer, Intercollegiate Athletics

"First, understand that the developmental needs of each individual on a team are very different. No two individuals are on the exact same path at the exact same time. Take time and observe each individuals’ developmental needs, and ask them what their desired professional goals and aspirations are. Development is a 2-way street. Managers should motivate, prioritize and guide development, and your teams should seek out opportunities and invest their own growth."

headshot of Ana Thiemer

Ana Thiemer, Associate Director, Office of Campus Planning

"Communication and collaboration are the cornerstones to developing a team. Communication early and often creates clarity about what’s happening today and where the team is going. Collaboration helps to gain understanding across the team, focus the team and work toward a common goal."


headshot of Roger Cude

Roger L. Cude, Vice President of People and Talent

"I encourage you to always think of learning and development, not just when we are in a class or on a video conference."




headshot of Jennifer McClain

Jennifer McClain, Associate Director - Employee Training, Development and Engagement

"Humans are naturally curious. Since we spend so much time at work, it’s important that we get to engage our brains while we’re here."



headshot of Brent Stringfellow

Brent Stringfellow,
Associate Vice President for Campus Operations

"Learning in the workplace can spark growth both individually and as a team."



headshot of Krista Hadavi

Krista Hadavi,
Assistant Vice President and Chief Business Officer for FAS Business Services

"The biggest lesson for me as a new manager was that it isn’t about me or my preferred management style. Being a leader means adapting your style to the needs of the people you support. "


headshot of Bianca Hooi

Bianca Hooi,
Artistic & Executive Project Manager at Texas Performing Arts

"Celebrate the wins, big and small."



headshot of Jim Moreno

Jim Moreno,
Facility Supervisor, Marine Science Institute 

"Collaborating with staff helps everyone become better problem solvers working together on ideas."



Mario Guerra headshot

Mario Guerra, Director, Longhorn Technology Experience, Information Technology Services

"Emphasize to your teams the importance of becoming a professional learner. We work at an educational institution.  We are in the business of educating people. Growing should be a priority not an afterthought."


headshot of Derek Trabon

Derek Trabon, Director, Office of Emergency Management

"Understand the direction the University is heading and how your team fits in. Our team has certainly heard me quote Lewis Carroll before, but “if you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there” helps to ground our conversations about setting goals and objectives to the overall mission of the University and for our OEM team."


headshot of Mulu Ferede

Mulu Ferede, Executive Director, University Unions

"Learning in the workplace is important because it keeps employees engaged."



headshot of Tony Hunt

Tony Hunt, Interim Associate Vice President, Human Resources

"Learning is the vehicle that drives innovation, development, and the resilience to navigate and excel in an ever-evolving landscape."


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