Let's Talk About Talking

people having a discussion

Do you struggle with conversation or do you have the gift for gab? Maybe you’re somewhere in between (and it depends a great deal on just whom your speaking with). Whatever the case, the simple act of having a talk with someone is incredibly important and can have powerful outcomes.

In this UT L&D resource page, we provide a variety of resources related to conversation and talking. Explore on your own and share with the people in your life.

We recommend starting with the light-hearted talkaholic assessment (just for fun) and share with friends and colleagues. It could be a great way to spark a conversation.

Where are you on the talkaholic scale?*

Talkaholic Scale

*Note: This assessment is just for fun and to perhaps start conversations. It should not be used for performance or developmental purposes.

birds in a birdbath

Be Nice


group of people talking at a table

Difficult Conversations

Effective Communicators

two people at a table talking

Engaging Conversations

Opening Up

people having a conversation

Talking Too Much

Virtual Communication