Hybrid work vs flexible work – what’s the difference?
“In this blog, we’ll clear up the key differences between hybrid work and flexible work, and explore the key considerations in deciding which is best for you.”
Why We’ll Never Be the Same Again with Brené Brown
"We are, right now in the midst of a once in a lifetime, once in a generation opportunity to rethink the way we work. And rethink why we work and how we work..."
You only need to go to the office 1 or 2 days a week, says new Harvard Business School study

“The group that spent one to two days at the office each week—deemed ‘intermediate hybrid work’ by the researchers—produced more original work than the other two groups, according to the researchers. Managers also rated that group's work output as being of higher quality than that of the other two groups.”
To Keep Workers in Today's Economy, Flexibility Is More Important Than Money
"Marcus Buckingham has spent decades studying what makes people better and happier at work at Gallup, and his own HR consultancy that was eventually bought by ADP. In his new book, Love + Work, out this month, he lays out how we can shape a more humane—and productive—future of work. He spoke with TIME about what that could look like, and what role managers play in the transformation."
UT L&D Curated LinkedIn Learning FWA Collection

Providing flexible work arrangements can be a highly effective way to recruit a diverse and skilled team, while at the same time setting your team up for success. This collection of LinkedIn Learning videos will help managers, leaders, and individual contributors better understand the risks and benefits of flexible work arrangements.
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